
Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Good fats, probiotics and fiber - Get rid of toxic weight

Good fats, probiotics and fiber - Get rid of toxic weight

While it is true that we live in a world full of toxins, there is a lot you can do to enhance your body’s natural ability to detox. The body has three main exit routes for toxins – urine, feces and sweat.

The exit routes that the body use to get rid of toxins carry different level of importance when it comes to detoxing. A majority of body toxins that leave your system do so via solid waste (75%). The remaining 25 percent eliminates through your urinary tract and perspiration.

Where toxins come from?
Our body are not designed to process the many chemicals found in modern life.  In the latest National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals , scientists at the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ) found that nearly every person they tested was packing a host of nasty chemicals, including flame retardants stored in fatty tissue and Bisphenol A (a hormone-like substance found in plastics). (1)  Even babies are contaminated; the average newborn has 287 chemicals in her umbilical cord blood, 217 of which are neurotoxic (poisonous to nerves or nerve cells). (2)
Environmental toxins
·         Polluted air from factories
·         Auto exhaust
·         Solvents (Paint and cleaning products)
·         Heavy metals
·         Pesticides, Herbicides, Insecticides
·         Radiation

Lifestyle toxins
·         Dietary choices (Fast food, fried food)
·         Nicotine
·         Alcohol
·         Caffeine
·         Over the counter drugs
·         Artificial food additives, colorings, and preservatives
·         Refined foods and sugars

Burn fat to burn toxins
Water-soluble toxins are rather easily metabolized and excreted into the urine. However, most toxins enter the body as fat soluble molecules. Fat soluble toxins such as PolyChlorinated Biphenyls (PCB,  a group of chemicals known to be carcinogenic), mercury, DDT and xenoestrogens (man-made estrogens) which are not excreted are stored in fat cells.

Good omega-3 supplements helps you burn fat and stimulates the release of fat-soluble toxins.

Probiotics to Detoxify

Recently, a 2012 study from the Lawson Health Research Institute explored the value of probiotics (gut friendly bacteria) in those who have an accumulation of heavy metals. According to researchers, the probitoics which are found in our gut have the ability to detoxify heavy metals. (3)

Other studies report that probiotics may be valuable tools for cleansing the body of the heavy metals such as lead and cadmium. (4)(5)

Load up on fiber

Fiber in your diet play an important role in your digestive tract by increasing your bowel movement, the natural way to detoxify. In addition, fiber serves as food for good bacteria in your intestines that help break down toxins.

By eating fiber you are strengthening your body’s natural elimination route. When we consume fiber, it grabs hold of these toxins and pulls them out through elimination. If you don’t eat enough fiber, the toxins accumulate in your colon longer than they should, allowing the toxins to be re-absorbed into your body. Consumption of at least 25g of fiber a day helps prevent toxin build-up.
(1) Lang IA, et al. Association of urinary bisphenol A concentration with medical disorders and loratory abnormalities in adults. JAMA. 2008 Sep 17;300(11):1303-10.
(2) Environmental Working Group "Study Finds Industrial Pollution Begins in the Womb" (
(3) M Monachese, et al. Bioremediation and tolerance of humans to heavy metals through microbial processes: a potential role for probiotics? Appl Environ Microbiol. 2012 Sep;78(18):6397-404. doi: 10.1128/AEM.01665-12. Epub 2012 Jul 13.
(4) S Salminen, et al. Probiotic bacteria as potential detoxification tools: assessing their heavy metal binding isotherms. Can J Microbiol. 2006 Sep;52(9):877-85.
(5) JN Bhakta, et al. Characterization of lactic acid bacteria-based probiotics as potential heavy metal sorbents. J Appl Microbiol. 2012 Jun;112(6):1193-206. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2672.2012.05284.x. Epub 2012 Apr 11.

Good fats, probiotic and fiber
Aloe Vera Gel
  • Contains over 200 nutritional compounds which include 20 types of amino acids required by the human body.
  • Rich in soluble and insoluble fiber which helps to promote bowel movement.
  • Saponins in Aloe helps in cleansing intestine.
  • Works hand-in-hand with Forever Active Probiotic.  Act as prebiotic (food for good bacteria) in your intestines.

 Forever Active Probiotic
  • Contains proprietary probiotic blend of 1 billion  colony forming unit (CFU) per beadlet
  • Patented coating technology, ensuring delivery of probiotics upon reaching intestine
  • Combines 6 carefully selected strains of probiotics
  • No refrigeration needed. Small, easy to swallow beadlets.  Convenient to bring during travel

Forever Arctic-Sea

  • Combines Omega-3 (natural deep sea fish oils) and Omega-9 (olive oil)
  • Speeds up fat metabolism, thus helpful in regulating weight management
  • Reduces the body’s absorption of bad cholesterol

Lemak yang baik, Probiotik dan Serat – Hilangkan berat badan bertoksik

Walaupun ia adalah benar bahawa kita hidup di dunia yang penuh dengan toksin, banyak yang anda boleh lakukan untuk meningkatkan keupayaan semulajadi badan untuk detoks. Badan mempunyai tiga laluan utama untuk menyahtoksik – air kencing, tinja dan peluh.

Laluan penyahtoksik yang badan gunakan membawa tahap kepentingan berbeza ketika detoksifikasi. Kebanyakan toksin badan disingkirkan dari sistem badan anda melalui peninjaan (75%). Yang selebihnya 25% disingkirkan melalui pengencingan dan perpeluhan.

Dari mana datangnya toksin?
Badan kita tidak direka untuk memproses pelbagai bahan kimia yang terdapat dalam kehidupan moden.  Dalam laporan terkini “National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals”, para ahli sains di CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) mendapati bahawa hampir kesemua orang yang diuji mempunyai banyak bahan kimia termasuklah retardant api (flame retardant) yang disimpan dalam tisu lemak dan Bisphenol A (satu bahan seperti hormon yang ditemui dalam plastic). (1) Bayi juga dikontaminasi; purata bayi yang baru lahir mempunyai 287 bahan kimia dalam darah tali pusat, 217 daripadanya adalah neurotoksik (beracun pada saraf atau sel-sel saraf). (2)
Toksin dari Alam Sekitar
·         Pencemaran udara dari kilang
·         Ekzos kenderaan
·         Pelarut (Cat dan bahan pembersihan rumah)
·         Logam berat
·         Racun serangga, rumpai
·          Sinaran radiasi

Toksin akibat Gaya Hidup
·         Pilihan makanan (makanan segera, digoreng)
·         Nikotin
·         Alkohol
·         Kafeina
·         Ubat-ubatan
·         Bahan aditif makanan, pewarna tiruan, dan bahan pengawet
·         Makanan diproses dan gula

Bakar lemak untuk bakar toksin
Toksin larut air adalah senang dimetabolismekan dan disingkirkan melalui air kencing. Akan tetapi, kebanyakan toksin memasuki tubuh sebagai toksin larut lemak. Toksin larut lemak seperti PolyChlorinated Bisphenyls (PCB, sejenis kumpulan bahan kimia berkarsinogenik), merkuri, DDT dan xenoestrogen (estrogen buatan manusia) yang tidak disingkirkan akan disimpan dalam sel-sel lemak.

Suplemen Omega-3 boleh membantu memetabolismekan (membakar) lemak dan menggalakkan toksin larut lemak disingkirkan.

Probiotik untuk Penyahtoksin
Baru-baru ini, satu kajian pada tahun 2012 dari Institut Penyelidikan Kesihatan Lawson menerokai nilai probiotik (bakteria baik usus) dalam mereka yang mempunyai pengumpulan logam berat. Menurut para penyelidik, probiotik yang ditemui dalam usus kita mempunyai keupayaan untuk menyahtoksik logam berat. (3)

Laporan kajian lain melaporkan bahawa probiotik mungkin menjadi satu peralatan untuk menyahtoksik badan dari logam berat seperti plumbum dan kadmium. (4)(5)

Lebihkan pengambilan serat
Dengan memakan serat, anda menguatkan saluran pengumuhan semulajadi badan. Apabila kita memakan serat, ia mengikat toksin dan menarik keluar melalui pengumuhan. Jika anda tidak memakan serat yang mencukupi, toksin akan terkumpul di usus lebih lama daripada sepatutnya, lalu toksin diserap semula ke dalam badan anda. Pengambilan serat sekurang-kurangnya 25g sehari boleh membantu mencegah pengumpulan toksin.

(1) Lang IA, et al. Association of urinary bisphenol A concentration with medical disorders and loratory abnormalities in adults. JAMA. 2008 Sep 17;300(11):1303-10.
(2) Environmental Working Group "Study Finds Industrial Pollution Begins in the Womb" (
(3) M Monachese, et al. Bioremediation and tolerance of humans to heavy metals through microbial processes: a potential role for probiotics? Appl Environ Microbiol. 2012 Sep;78(18):6397-404. doi: 10.1128/AEM.01665-12. Epub 2012 Jul 13.
(4) S Salminen, et al. Probiotic bacteria as potential detoxification tools: assessing their heavy metal binding isotherms. Can J Microbiol. 2006 Sep;52(9):877-85.

(5) JN Bhakta, et al. Characterization of lactic acid bacteria-based probiotics as potential heavy metal sorbents. J Appl Microbiol. 2012 Jun;112(6):1193-206. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2672.2012.05284.x. Epub 2012 Apr 11.

Lemak yang baik, Probiotik, Serat
Aloe Vera Gel
  • Mengandungi lebih dari 200 sebatian nutrisi termasuklah 20 jenis asid amino yang diperlukan oleh badan manusia
  • Kaya dengan serat larut dan tidak larut air yang membantu menggalakkan pergerakan usus.
  • Saponin dalam Aloe membantu membersihkan usus
  • Bekerja bersama Forever Active Probiotic. Berfungsi sebagai prebiotik (makanan untuk bakteria baik) dalam usus anda.

Forever Active Probiotic
  • Mengandungi campuran proprietari probiotik 1 juta unit pembentukan koloni (CFU) setiap beadlet
  • Teknologi pengkapsulan berpaten, memastikan probiotik sampai ke usus
  • Menggabungkan 6 jenis probiotik yang dipilih khusus
  • Penyejukan tidak diperlukan. Beadlet kecil dan senang ditelan. Mudah dibawa ke mana-mana.

Forever Arctic-Sea
  • Menggabungkan Omega-3 (minyak ikan semulajadi laut dalaman) dan Omega-9 (minyak zaitun)
  • Meningkatkan kadar metabolisma lemak, justeru membantu dalam pengurusan berat badan
  • Mengurangkan penyerapan kolesterol tidak baik

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