Q: What are the symptoms of diabetes?
Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by a high glucose level in the blood. Diabetes is diagnosed when the fasting blood glucose level is higher than 126 mg/dL (7 mmol/L). The symptoms of diabetes include excessive thirst and hunger, fatigue, frequent urination, unexplained weight loss, blurry vision, skin infection and itchiness.
People who have diabetes should avoid high sugar content foods and drinks, e.g. soft drinks, cakes, jellies, jams, ice creams, chocolates, doughnuts and sweeteners. Limiting the intake of alcohol is also very important.
To manage diabetes, these health supplements are helpful. Aloe Vera Gelcontains 100% Stabilized Nutrient-Rich Aloe Vera; a good source ofsoluble fiber that can helps to regulate blood glucose level. Forever Bee Propolis is a 100% natural bee product without artificial coloring or preservatives. It acts as a Natural Antibiotic, by stimulating the body to fight against microbes, thus helping to reduce infection.