The basics of detoxification
Is a detox really necessary? The short answer is, yes. The large variety of toxins we encounter every day complicate the body’s detoxification efforts, which in turn leave the body more vulnerable to illnesses, diseases and hormonal imbalance.
Toxins interfere with proper metabolism. They overburden our liver and kidneys’ detoxification system, promote insulin resistance, activate the body’s stress response, interfere with thyroid function and increase inflammation - all of which lead to obesity.
Weight loss is made easier, and the effect longer lasting, if your body has flushed away those toxins through these channels.
The largest and most important detoxification organ in our body. We consume lots of undesirable substances such as artificial preservatives, additives and colorings. These harmful toxins which are fat-soluble must be neutralized by liver, become water soluble and passed to kidney or bowel for excretion.
The colon is responsible for both carrying wastes out of the body and nourishing the body. Some nutrients are absorbed in the colon. So if your body is storing toxins and excess mucous they will be stuck to the intestinal walls of the colon, making it very hard for your body to absorb the required nutrients and eliminate the wastes traveling through the colon.
The kidneys are responsible for filtering waste products and water soluble toxins from the blood, and eliminating the waste products into urine. Water is vital in helping the kidneys do their job, thus drinking adequate water during cleanse/ detox is essential.
The skin is the largest organ of the body and the first line defense of the body. Its job is to control and regulate body temperature as well as excrete toxins via sweat glands.
Is a detox really necessary? The short answer is, yes. The large variety of toxins we encounter every day complicate the body’s detoxification efforts, which in turn leave the body more vulnerable to illnesses, diseases and hormonal imbalance.
Toxins interfere with proper metabolism. They overburden our liver and kidneys’ detoxification system, promote insulin resistance, activate the body’s stress response, interfere with thyroid function and increase inflammation - all of which lead to obesity.
Weight loss is made easier, and the effect longer lasting, if your body has flushed away those toxins through these channels.
The largest and most important detoxification organ in our body. We consume lots of undesirable substances such as artificial preservatives, additives and colorings. These harmful toxins which are fat-soluble must be neutralized by liver, become water soluble and passed to kidney or bowel for excretion.
The colon is responsible for both carrying wastes out of the body and nourishing the body. Some nutrients are absorbed in the colon. So if your body is storing toxins and excess mucous they will be stuck to the intestinal walls of the colon, making it very hard for your body to absorb the required nutrients and eliminate the wastes traveling through the colon.
The kidneys are responsible for filtering waste products and water soluble toxins from the blood, and eliminating the waste products into urine. Water is vital in helping the kidneys do their job, thus drinking adequate water during cleanse/ detox is essential.
The skin is the largest organ of the body and the first line defense of the body. Its job is to control and regulate body temperature as well as excrete toxins via sweat glands.
Asas-asas Penyahtoksikan/ Detoksifikasi
Adakah detoks benar-benar perlu? Jawapan pendeknya ialah YA. Kepelbagaian toksin yang kita hadapi setiap hari menyukarkan usaha badan untuk menyahtoksik / detoksifikasi, yang seterusnya menyebabkan badan lebih mudah terdedah kepada penyakit dan ketidakseimbangan hormon.
Toksin menganggu metabolisme badan. Toksin juga membebankan sistem detoksifikasi hati dan buah ginjal kita, menggalakkan rintangan insulin, mengaktifkan tindak balas tekanan badan, menganggu fungsi tiroid dan meningkatkan keradangan – semuanya menyebabkan obesiti.
Penurunan berat badan menjadi lebih mudah, dan kesannya lebih panjang, jika badan anda telah mengumuhkan toksin-toksin tersebut melalui organ-organ berikut;
Organ detoksifikasi yang terbesar dan terpenting dalam badan kita. Kita memakan banyak bahan tidak diingini seperti bahan pengawet tiruan, bahan tambahan dan pewarna. Toksin-toksin berbahaya ini adalah toksin larut-lemak yang mesti dineutralkan oleh hati, justeru menjadi toksin larut-air dan dikumuhkan melalui buah pinggang atau usus.
Kolon (Usus besar)
Kolon adalah bertanggungjawab untuk mengumuhkan toksin dari badan dan menyuburkan badan. Sesetengah nutrien diserap di kolon. Jadi, jika badan anda menyimpan toksin dan mukus berlebihan, ia akan melekat pada dinding kolon, menjadikan ia amat sukar bagi badan anda untuk menyerap nutrien yang diperlukan dan mengumuhkan sisa-sisa toksin melalui peninjaan.
Buah pinggang
Buah pinggang adalah bertanggungjawab untuk menapis bahan buangan dan toksin larut air dari darah, dan mengumuhkan bahan buangan melalui air kencing. Air adalah penting untuk membantu buah pinggang melakukan tugasnya, jadi meminum air yang mencukupi semasa detoksifikasi adalah penting.
Kulit adalah organ terbesar badan dan barisan pertama pertahanan badan. Tugasnya adalah untuk mengawalatur suhu badan dan juga mengumuhkan toksin melalui kelenjar peluh.
毒素会牵涉到我们正常的新陈代谢。毒素会带给我们的肝和肾造成一些负担,增加胰岛素的抵抗力,激活我们身体的应急反应,干扰甲状腺功能和增加发炎 – 导致肥胖问题。
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